SEPTEMBER Self Care Awareness and Handmade Soap of the Month!
September is the start of fall and back to school. It’s also the end of Self Care Awareness month. Here are some NATURAL SOAPS about Fall in September:

Hello September ! Excited about the fall ? For me it means Halloween and Thanksgiving and more will come your way this month NEW Grandma’s Handcrafted Soaps !
September has always been one of the busiest months of the year , I making soap every day the week of September!
1. A List of September Grandma’s Lye Soap – There are 3 key ingredients in soap: Food Grade Lard , Water , Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)

2 . A Sweet September Milk and Golden Honey Blossom !

3. September Organic Oatmeal and Stout Beer Soap back on stock the first day of Fall, September !

4. Pumpkins are used from September right up until Thanksgiving to add a special touch to your holiday table. We share perfect pumpkin scent in a light orange from Soap maker shop from Etsy .

5. Amazon Handmade Soap On “September 12 0n 12 ” Birthday Gifts, September Gifts for all Family.

6 . Natural Citrus Handmade Soap Tangerine delivery by Tue, September 12 on Google Shopping .

Florida Citrus Handmade Soap Tangerine Orange Lemon Lime Natural Soap Natural handmade Florida Citrus Soap , feels like your bathing on the shores of South beach with a extra creamy bar of artisan soap . Close your eyes and feel like your walking through a tangerine groove This …More
7. September Artisan Soap . Extra Virgin Greek Olive Oil Soap with Mediterranean Sea Salt Estimated between Thu, Sep 7 and Mon, Sep 11 Shop Now!

8. September Flowers This Lavender rose-colored soap is made from the rich flowering of the rose and French lavender and is ideal for dry and mature skin. It revitalizes the skin and enhances its natural glow.

9. Almond and Hazelnut for the Ninth Month of the Year

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