Dead Sea Mud Soap
01. What does Dead Sea mud soap do for your skin?

02. Does Dead Sea mud soap really work?

03. Does Dead Sea Mud Soap exfoliate?

04. Do mud soaps help with wrinkles?

Dead Sea Mud Israel Soap With Anise
Dead Sea Mud Soap Israel with Shea Butter Artisan 7 Oz. …
Our natural handmade handcrafted soaps are crafted using natural herbs, spices & clay’s and are scented with 100% pure essential oils for wonderful skin care
Our all natural handcrafted mud soap removes dirt and cleanses your skin, while simultaneously infusing it with minerals essential to keeping your skin hydrated …
Why are Dead Sea products so expensive?
The high prices are attributed to the low volume of supply of Dead Sea mud and salts, whose extraction is controlled by one company, Ahava, the acknowledged pioneer of the sea.
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