Handmade Soap Using Beeswax and Honey
How do Beeswax and Honey Make Soap Better?

Goat milk Soap with Beeswax and Honey
All the natural handcrafted soap, even those with no beeswax
Natural Soap Handmade Artisan Handcrafted All Natural Skin Care ...
Over the years we have developed a goat's coconut milk soap ultra-rich, incredibly moisturizing, and generally wonderful Goat and Coconut Milk with Honey and Oatmeal Soap was created to moisturize and smooth your skin to perfection. Choose from over fifty variety's of soap, all real handmade and allnatural. WE use the ...All the natural handcrafted soap, even those with no beeswax
or honey, a humectant are naturally 1/3 glycerin
which attracts moisture to the skin.
Buttermilk – Mango Butter – Honey -Beeswax
For centuries, milk has been used as a natural, soothing skin cleanser and skin softener.
Goat’s milk Soap made with Beeswax and Honey!
Honey is hygroscopic. Adding it to any cosmetic
product’s conditioning increases that moisturizing properties
Golden Blossom Honey and Beeswax -handcrafted soap
It makes the soap gentler on the skin
It makes the soap harder and longer lasting
It helps the soap maker by decreasing the time it takes
the soap to “trace .

Skin Healer
In its natural state, beeswax is firm but pliable. Melted and combined with other ingredients, beeswax adds body to skin care products, making creams thicker. Like other beehive products, including honey and royal jelly, beeswax offers anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral benefits, according to the magazine, Delicious Living, making it potentially beneficial for treating minor skin irritations.Around the web About Bees – Honey and Beeswax
NATURAL HANDCRAFTED SOAP COMPANY -BEESWAX Beeswax makes a harder bar of soap and is also used in creams, lotions, lip balms.Our Beeswax is a natural secretion of honey bees who feed from organic botanicals .Beeswax has the beautiful, sweet aroma of honey and a rich, golden color.
A woman in Queens, N.Y. found she had 50,000 extra roommates mooching rent-free in her apartment: honey bees that had assumed squatter’s rights inside her ceiling.
Beeswax is a natural wax produced in the bee hive of honey bees of the genus Apis.. Wikipedia
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